
Improve the fatigue strength of carbonitriding parts by 30%

私は浸炭部品の疲労強度を30%UPする技術を教える事が出来ます ( 回転曲げ疲労試験データ保有 )。
 I can either do or teach and train your staff  to improve the fatigue strength of your carbonitriding parts by 30%.

 疲労強度確認試験  Fatigue strength test

 テストピース Test Pieces

 試験結果  Test result ( JIS standard:SCM420H )
疲労強度30%up Fatigue strength up by 30%

Please contact ( Japanese or English only ) my e-mail address (meijikato@gmail.com)(sk21@xj.commufa.jp)
if you need my technological assistannce.